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Writer's pictureCorey Dresen PT, DPT

Working from home?

Many of us are new to working from home. Trumble PT wants you to have accurate information to stay healthy.

Three things you should be aware of:

  • Our bodies were designed to move.

  • Our muscles work better when using good posture.

  • If our muscles have to work in a poor postural position, they will start to hurt.

Your work station:

Your pelvis should be supported in an anterior pelvic tilt with legs wide. This allows the rest of your spine to maintain a good postural position. If your spine is in a good position, then your head and neck will follow. The keyboard may have to be adjusted. Google Images is a good resource to find proper desk ergonomics. No one can maintain perfect posture all the time. However, we find that if you practice good posture 60-70% of the time, you'll stay out of trouble.

There are a number of products available to increase the comfort of your work space. The following are items patients have found helpful. You can Google the items to find a place to purchase them or use the links provided.

Frequent Breaks: Our bodies need to move. When we don’t move there is a decrease in blood flow to muscles. This results in decreased oxygen, which negatively affects the health of our muscles.

  • Re-position Frequently

    • There are many timers and apps available to assist with this. For example, the Pomodoro Method timers, particularly the Tomato Timer (, encourage users to complete a 25 minute work session and then take a 5 minute break. After four complete 'Pomodoro' sessions a 'long break' is encouraged.

    • Stand at your kitchen counter when possible to give your body a different position.

  • Stretching and Tissue Mobility

    • Foam Roller - We prefer the CanDo 36" x 6" to stretch the upper body and chest. You can lie flat on your back with the roller running along the spine and perform slow, big snow angel motions with your arms for 5 minutes. Or, you can simply stretch your arms long at rest.

    • Techniques for foam rolling for pelvic pain specifically can be found at this link:

    • Yoga or gentle stretching: For example,Yoga with Adriene on YouTube offers many video options and lengths.

    • Regular exercise of your choice is always a good option!

Stress: Everyone is experiencing various degrees of stress. It is very important to take care of your mind and spirit as well. Below are some meditation or breathing apps that may be helpful.

Please email us for any clarifications or if you have specific questions.

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